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Partner with Adventure Ashram


"Adventure Ashram's description "small but mighty" appeals to us as a local independent restaurant with a reputation that is bigger than the sum of its parts. There is a real sense and spirit of adventure in their approach and a feeling of being part of a large family that is a strong part of its appeal." - Ganapati Restaurant


Adventure Ashram looks to develop collaborative and mutually beneficial relationships with corporate partners that combine a strong long-term social impact with a clear business benefit. We do this by creating partnerships that: 


  • Contribute to business and CSR goals, while having a significant impact on our own charitable objectives through volunteering, skill-sharing, and fundraising.

  • Engage staff in activities and adventures, both in the UK and abroad.

  • Motivate staff through communicating meaningful information about our work and the impact of our partnership.

  •  Provide staff with the opportunity to make a significant impact in changing the lives of thousands of women and children who have been affected by human trafficking in India and lack access to adequate education and healthcare.

  • Educate staff on the cultural and social context behind our projects in India regarding tackling human trafficking, improving access to education and healthcare in rural India.


We pride ourselves in tailoring our partnerships to the needs of our corporate partners in a way that is mutually beneficial in the long term and meets our charitable objectives. A partnership with Adventure Ashram could include:


Charity of the Year nominations involving building a mutually beneficial relationship over a twelve-month period. A Charity of the Year partnership could include fundraising through corporate charitable donations and fun staff fundraising events. We can also offer employee volunteering opportunities through skill sharing.


Increased PR of your brand, partnering with Adventure Ashram could involve increased awareness of your brand and would involve your logo being featured on our website. Along with spotlight on your brand via various marketing tools including our monthly e-newsletter and social media channels. There is also the opportunity to collaborate on various marketing campaigns.


Staff Fundraising is an effective way to motivate employees at all levels and build rapport amongst staff. Through a partnership with us, you will have support from a dedicated fundraising manager who will help create a programme of fun fundraising activities throughout the year.


Sponsoring an event can build positive awareness of your brand. We can deliver flexible sponsorship packages to suit your brand values and budget. We have previously organised exciting events in the UK and India.


Marketing partnerships can help customers or clients become more engaged with your brand while supporting our cause by making a small donation to Adventure Ashram every time that a product or service is purchased.

Payroll giving is an easy way for people to donate to charity through their salary and employees can give as much as they would like!


Adventure Ashram partnerships are about collaboration and education!


We recognise the importance of building relationships with your employees and we will spend time listening to you and your team to ensure that we build a partnership that motivates, educated and inspires your staff!


To find out more about how you can make a significant and long-lasting impact towards our work then please contact Chloe via email-


View our current corporate partners below!




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