What difference can I make by
donating to Adventure Ashram?
Please donate to our small but mighty charity and help transform the lives of some of the most vulnerable women and children in India today.
Your donation will help us not only continue to provide anti-human trafficking, health care and education projects to some of the world’s poorest communities, but will also help us reach more women, children and young people who need our help.

A £10 donation can buy food supplies for a survivor of human trafficking for one month.

A £20 donation can provide one month of vocational training in the bakery or beautician schools for one young survivor.

A £100 donation can cover the daily running cost of the girl’s house, providing shelter for up to 80 young women.
Support the education of a child
By supporting the education of one of the children from the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, you will provide a child and their family with greater opportunities for further study, economic security, and a more fulfilled life.
Just £21.67 per month or an annual donation of £260 can cover one child's:
School fees
School uniform and bag
Text and exercise books and other stationery
Regular health check
An opportunity to attend one of our tuition centres after school to receive additional support with learning by a village teacher
A contribution towards the salary of a village teacher
A place on the school bus
A contribution towards the maintenance of the bus, the diesel and the driver's salary