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Coming out of Lockdowns – The Future of Staffing at Adventure Ashram
Adventure Ashram has begun the recruitment process to find our next CEO to lead us through the next chapter of our charity’s development....

Roy Clark: Adventure Story
I first visited India in 2009 which, for me, was more about riding a motorbike somewhere different than it was about meeting new people....

Sue Mason: Adventure Story
I had travelled to India in the late 1980’s and had been struck by the friendliness and beauty of her people, especially the children. It...

Neil Cooper: Adventure Story
NEIL'S TOP ADVENTURE TIP: Go with the flow. Be resourceful! Be respectful! India is India, they do things in the own way and in their own...

Ian Ordish: Adventure Story
IAN'S TOP ADVENTURE TIP: When travelling be open to new friendships! The world will be ok On the recce trip to the Lost World I was...

Hoa Nguyen: Adventure Story
HOA'S TOP ADVENTURE TIP: It's fine to feel a little nervous when entering new territory. My first day as an intern started off on the...

Ailsa Vincent: Adventure Story
AILSA'S TOP ADVENTURE TIP: Step out of your comfort zone and make new friends. Call me a comfortable Armchair many years...

Barry Scard: Adventure Story
BARRY'S TOP ADVENTURE TIP: Traveling with your children may open up a life-changing experience! I will always remember the day my son,...

Nathan Scard: Adventure Story
NATHAN'S TOP ADVENTURE TIP: So if you're doing what I did and thinking about doing something meaningful - stop thinking and just do it. I...

Sarah Child: Adventure Story
SARAH'S TOP ADVENTURE TIP: There are many, wet wipes are your friend in any situation, ensure the seal on the water bottle is intact or...
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