Frances Mills: Adventure Story "When Small Adventures Matter"

FRANCE'S TOP ADVENTURE TIP: Adventuring is being part of something bigger than yourself.
I have been fortunate enough to have travelled quite widely and to have been on a few spine-tingling adventures. One of my most memorable adventures was visiting India. From the moment I stepped off the plane I was hit by India’s heat and smells and energy. It was so busy and vibrant and unbelievably chaotic. I was struck by India’s colours, its people and how full of life it was; but also by the stark poverty that was around every corner. I made a promise to myself on that trip that I would help somehow, and with little to give I decided to lend my time instead. And so a couple of years ago I found my way to Adventure Ashram. Soon I was travelling to London and in a whirlwind of organisation I was sitting in the kitchen of Fritha Vincent, cup of tea in hand, discussing how I could help out. Maybe it was the tea or the offer of home cooked curry, but I stayed in London for a whole month! I soon realised that I had not just joined a volunteer team but a family. It was so rewarding to be able to see concrete and positive changes happening because of the work going on in Adventure Ashram’s office. Every day brought a new opportunity to raise money or awareness (and a new curry recipe!), and every evening I went home knowing I had done something positive and concrete in helping others. Adventures can be big, exciting and adrenaline-seeking, but they can take the form of being a part of something bigger than yourself, contributing to make a difference, and of course having some fun at the same time!
Frances Mills, Adventure Ashram Supporter