Sarah Child: Adventure Story

SARAH'S TOP ADVENTURE TIP: There are many, wet wipes are your friend in any situation, ensure the seal on the water bottle is intact or make sure you have immodium to hand! But I’m going with the girly tip of packing at least some pretty dress, when you have ridden in sweaty, stained, dusty motorbike clothes for 10 days and arrive... at a beautiful hotel in Mysore the uplifting power of a hot shower and a pretty dress cannot be denied!
January 2008 I had just turned 30 and was working for a children’s charity when I was first introduced to India. My first adventure outside of Europe was actually for work – my role to represent the charity and thank the 100 bikers who had all raised over £50k (yes I do know how lucky I am). What I could not have predicted was the amazing people I would meet and the profound effect the country would have on my life. July 2017 Almost 10 years later and I’ve just married my husband, an amazing man who encourages me and inspires me, whom I met on that original adventure and our little boy, Bodhi (named after the tree in India beneath which we would sit and drink coconuts and also Patrick Swayze’s character in Point Break – a cult surf movie) is now 3 years old. Travelling around India changed my life, following that trip, I found the courage to change my life, learn to ride a motorbike, learn to surf, climb mountains, volunteer in Borneo where I lived in a jungle and many more adventures are to follow. It taught me that no matter what your background, or upbringing - to be kind, everyone is fighting their own battle and everyone has a story. If you can dream it, you can achieve it. And everybody needs a dream. Supporting Adventure Ashram is my way of giving a little something back to the country that has given me so much. I’ve been to the villages, I’ve met the people, I know exactly where my money is going and that means so much to me. Knowing my son will have every opportunity available simply because of the country in which he was born, has made me realise that it’s even more important to do my part in making the world a little more equal.
Sarah Child Adventure Ashram Supporter