Hoa Nguyen: Adventure Story
HOA'S TOP ADVENTURE TIP: It's fine to feel a little nervous when entering new territory.
My first day as an intern started off on the crazy side. Google maps informed me that taking the bus from Goldhawk Road all the way to Tooting Bec was the best and quickest way to get to the office; Google Maps was definitely wrong. Nonetheless, I was able to get to work right on time! As I was entering the building, I remembered feeling very nervous, as one should when entering a new territory, and about 5 mins away from meeting and working with complete strangers for the next 3 months.
There I was, waiting at the front desk for Margaret, with my heart still racing, to come take me to the office. She walks through the double doors to my left, and embraces me with her very welcoming hug, smile, and “Hi!” Right then and there, I felt very silly for having any worries because I knew then that my time at Adventure Ashram would be nothing but pleasant.

I miss the time I have spent at Adventure Ashram. I’ve learned so much within the very short 3 months I have worked there; from co-working on the financial aspect of Adventure Ashram, to growing and improving with the team. Being able to be a part of the team definitely helped me see and understand the amount of dedication and work that is put in to help benefit such an amazing cause. For that, I will forever be a proud Adventurer.