Sue Mason: Adventure Story

I had travelled to India in the late 1980’s and had been struck by the friendliness and beauty of her people, especially the children. It was many years before I returned in January 2015 as a volunteer with Adventure Ashram. I was privileged to work alongside Doc in the children’s’ crèches in and round Kodaikanal. Despite their poverty the children were all beautifully turned out in clean clothes with immaculate hair. Their smiles were infectious and they were polite and well behaved, yet curious and keen to attract my attention. I also spent several days in the local charity hospital doing some drop-in clinics with the help of an interpreter. I remember one man who had been feeling very tired. I thought he may be anaemic and suggested a blood test, but this could not be done that day due to a power cut so I asked if he could return the next day. He told me that, unfortunately, this would not be possible, as he had walked over 20 miles to see me that day! I suddenly felt very humble. India had again left her mark on me and I couldn’t wait for my next adventure there.
Top Tip: Keep your eyes and ears open at all times and you will never cease to be amazed by this wonderful country and her people.