Providing access to education for children in South India
Adventure Ashram works closely with our Indian charity partner, Grace Charitable Trust, helping children access education and increase their life opportunities.
Adventure Ashram is helping fund the education of more than 400 children in the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve in Tamil Nadu, South India. To date
​Our support has enabled the Trust to pay for uniforms, schoolbooks, and transport to and from 10 different schools using five buses.
By donating to Adventure Ashram you can help provide children in the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve with greater opportunities for further study, economic security and a more fulfilled life.

Donation Guide
A donation of £21.67 per month or a one-off annual donation of £260 can cover one child's:
School fees
School uniform and bag
Text and exercise books and other stationery
Regular health check
An opportunity to attend one of our tuition centres after school to receive additional support with learning by a village teacher
A contribution towards the salary of a village teacher
A place on the school bus
A contribution towards the maintenance of the bus, the diesel and the driver's salary